KTX Trains from Seoul to Jeonju
If you are looking for a fast and convenient way to get from Seoul to Jeonju, then a modern and comfortable KTX train is an excellent option to consider. The high-speed bullet trains can cover the distance between the cities in 1.5 hours and boast excellent onboard amenities, including spacious seats, bathroom facilities, and even vending machines! As you can imagine, KTX train tickets are in high demand, so it's better to order them online in advance to avoid queing at the station.
Seoul to Jeonju Route Info
1h 33min
Seoul to Jeonju Route Map and Stations
KTX departs from Seoul train station: 405 Hangang-daero, Bongnaedong 2(i)-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
KTX arrives at Jeonju train station: North Jeolla, Dongbu-daero 680, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, South Korea
KTX from Seoul to Jeonju route: the distance between 2 cities is 237 kilometers and a high-speed KTX train is the most convenient
Seoul - Jeonju Timetable
Train Type | Fastest/Longest Trip | Earliest/Latest Train | Departures |
Morning Trains | 1:47h / 1:50h | 07:05 / 09:48 | 14 |
Afternoon Trains | 1:33h / 1:47h | 12:40 / 17:38 | 21 |
All About Seoul to Jeonju Route
Your trip time from Seoul to Jeonju will wary according to your chosen departure. The shortest train time is around 1 hour and 35 minutes, the longest train ride is around 1 hours and 50 minutes.
If you want to book your tickets more than 1 month in advance, you will need to book them online. It allows you to book your tickets up to 1 year in advance. You can check all schedules and book your tickets on online booking platform Rail.Ninja.
The price for your ticket will depend on your travel date (is it a weekend or a regular day), when you are buying, and your travel class. Usually, the Economy Class Seat price starts from 39 Euro per ticket, and from 54 Euro per ticket for a 1st Class Seat.
The easiest and and time-saving way is to purchase your tickets online.
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