KTX Trains Timetables
230 daily departures
KTX Train Lines & Routes
The most popular route is connecting Seoul and Busan, but there are other, very important and convenient routes starting in Seoul that operate on 5 different lines: Gyeongbu, Honam, Gyeongjeon, Jeolla, and Gangneung. Check all KTX lines.
Most popular KTX train routes
Traveling by KTX train from Seoul to Busan is very easiest and fast, as it can take as short as 2 hours 15 minutes. This is definitely smoother than air travel, and more convenient than taking a plane.
The distance from Seoul to Daegu is 310 km, and travel time is around 1 hour and 30 minutes by ktx train, operated by Korail. It is also the quickest and most comfortable way.
The journey from Seoul to Jeonju by a ktx train takes approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. The distance between cities is 237 km. It is a very comfortable way to reach the western part of Korea.
The distance between the capital of Korea, Seoul, and Ulsan is 404 km. Train journey between the cities takes approximately 2 hours, and brings very nice experiences, as you travel in comfort and ease.
There are multiple daily departures for Seoul to Gwangju (and reverse route). The distance between the two cities is 357 km, and it takes around 1 hour and 45 minutes to travel.