KTX Trains from Pyeongtaek to Busan

​Ever wanted to get from Pyeongtaek to Busan in less than 4 hours? KTX high-speed trains connect these cities and many other destinations in South Korea. The train is a luxurious way of traveling with amenities like free WiFi, food service, reclining seats, and plenty of legroom. Taking the KTX will be one of the most memorable and exciting experiences of your Korea vacation! Don't wait any longer, and book your tickets online!

Pyeongtaek to Busan Route Info

Trains daily
Earliest trip


Latest trip


Fastest trip

3h 50min

Pyeongtaek to Busan Route Map and Stations

KTX departs from Pyeongtaek train station: 185-1 Pyeongtaek-dong, 51 Pyeongtaengno, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

KTX arrives at Busan train station: South Korea, Busan, Jungang-daero, Choryang 3(sam)-dong, Dong-gu

KTX from Pyeongtaek to Busan route: the distance between 2 cities is 348 kilometers and a high-speed KTX train is the most convenient ​

KTX from Pyeongtaek to Busan departures: there are 15 departures by bullet trains, operated by Korail
Suwon to Busan ktx map

Pyeongtaek - Busan Timetable

All About Pyeongtaek to Busan Route

  • How long is the KTX ride from Pyeongtaek to Busan?

    Your trip time from Pyeongtaek to Busan will depend on the departure date you choose. KTX high-speed trains take around 3 hours 50 minutes to cover the shortest distance, while longer trips take about 4 hours 56 minutes.

  • Should I book Pyeongtaek - Busan tickets in advance?
    There are several daily departures from Pyeongtaek to Busan, so you don't have to be concerned about tickets selling out on regular days. However, trains are particularly busy on Fridays and Sundays, national holidays such as Lunar New Year and Chuseok.

    You can book your train tickets in advance if you want to travel without stress. Online booking allows you to purchase your tickets up to one year in advance. You can check all schedules and book your tickets on online booking platform Rail.Ninja.
  • Is there a free WiFi in the train?

    KTX high-speed trains have free Wifi for travelers! The service is available in each carriage and offers internet speeds of up to 1.5MBps, which can be used with any mobile device or laptop. You just need to log into the network "KTX Wi-Fi" and you're good to go!

  • How to buy KTX ticket from Pyeongtaek to Busan?
    You can purchase your high-speed KTX tickets from Pyeongtaek to Busan online, from ticket desks or from ticket machines at the train station in Korea. The easiest and time-saving way is to purchase your tickets online.

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