KTX Trains from Pyeongtaek to Daegu
Pohang is one of the six largest cities in South Korea, making it an exciting place to explore. One way to get from Pohang to Seoul with a minimum amount of hassle is by taking the KTX high-speed train! The KTX high-speed trains from Pohang to Seoul make it possible for you to get where you need to go in a fraction of the time. The ride is smooth and easy, with an average speed of 300 kilometers per hour! It's one of the world's quickest trains. Don't wait too long, and book your tickets online!
Pyeongtaek to Daegu Route Info
2h 29min
Pyeongtaek to Daegu Route Map and Stations
KTX departs from Pyeongtaek train station: 185-1 Pyeongtaek-dong, 51 Pyeongtaengno, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
KTX arrives at Daegu train station: Chilseong-dong, Buk District, Daegu, South Korea
KTX from Pyeongtaek to Daegu route: the distance between 2 cities is 217 kilometers and a high-speed KTX train is the most convenient
Pyeongtaek - Daegu Timetable
Train Type | Fastest/Longest Trip | Earliest/Latest Train | Departures |
Morning Trains | 2 h 29 min / 3 h 9 min | 06:51 / 11:53 | 8 |
Afternoon Trains | 2 h 32 min / 3 h 13 min | 12:09 / 17:34 | 9 |
Evening Trains | 2 h 54 min / 3 h 5 min | 18:26 / 20:34 | 4 |
All About Pyeongtaek to Daegu Route
Pyeongtaek to Daegu trip depends on the date you choose to depart. The shortest KTX trip takes 2 hours 29 minutes, while longer trips take 3 hours 13 minutes.
KTX's high-speed trains provide free Wifi to travelers! Every carriage offers the service, which can be accessed with a mobile device or laptop, and has internet speeds of up to 1.5MBps. To access the network, simply log into 'KTX Wi-Fi'.
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