KTX Trains from Jeonju to Seoul

​Jeonju to Seoul rail line is served by KTX high-speed trains. Taking a train for this route, you will reach Seoul in less than 2 hours, the longest ride will take 1 hour and 49 minutes. The train will travel 237 kilometers at around 305 km/h speed. You can buy your tickets at the train station, or book online. Tickets can be booked 1 year in advance when purchasing online.

Jeonju to Seoul Route Info

Trains daily
Earliest trip


Latest trip


Fastest trip

1h 48min

Jeonju to Seoul Route Map and Stations

KTX departs from Jeonju train station: North Jeolla, Dongbu-daero 680, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, South Korea

KTX arrives at Seoul train station: 405 Hangang-daero, Bongnaedong 2(i)-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea

KTX from Jeonju to Seoul route: the distance between 2 cities is 237 kilometers and a high-speed KTX train is the most convenient ​

KTX from Jeonju to Seoul departures: there are 5 departures by bullet trains, operated by Korail

Jeonju to Seoul ktx map

Jeonju - Seoul Timetable

All About Jeonju to Seoul Route

  • How long is the KTX ride from Jeonju to Seoul?

    Your trip time from Jeonju to Seoul will wary according to your chosen departure. The shortest train time is around 1 hour and 43 minutes, the longest train ride is around 1 hours and 49 minutes.

  • Should I book Jeonju-Seoul tickets in advance?
    Jeonju to Seoul isn't the most popular route in Korea, it has less than 10 daily departures. If you decide to go by KTX trains, we suggest to secure your seats in advance. Especially, if you are planning to travel during weekends or in summer, as the high-speed KTX train tickets tend to sell faster then.

    If you want to book your tickets more than 1 month in advance, you will need to book them online. It allows you to book your tickets up to 1 year in advance. You can check all route maps and book your tickets on online booking platform Rail.Ninja.

  • What is KTX Jeonju to Seoul train ticket price?

    The price for your ticket will depend on your travel date (is it a weekend or a regular day), when you are buying, and your travel class. Usually, the Economy Class Seat price starts from 45 USD per ticket, and from 63 USD per ticket for a 1st Class Seat.

  • How to buy KTX train ticket from Jeonju to Seoul?
    You can purchase your ​high-speed KTX tickets from Jeonju to Seoul online, from ticket desks or from ticket machines at the train station in Korea.

    The easiest and and time-saving way is to purchase your tickets online.

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